
After fin­ish­ing my archi­tec­ture stud­ies with good results in May 1998, I began work­ing as a struc­tur­al cal­cu­la­tor and car­ry­ing out high stan­dard hous­ing con­struc­tion projects as a col­lab­o­ra­tor of the archi­tect J. Motil­la.
In Jan­u­ary 1999 I joined the sec­ond Madrid office of bod archi­tec­ture and engi­neer­ing, where I direct­ed projects and their con­struc­tion, espe­cial­ly in the indus­tri­al and res­i­den­tial sec­tor, both hous­ing and health homes for the elder­ly. My respon­si­bil­i­ties includ­ed tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty for the sig­na­ture of the projects I direct­ed, the struc­tur­al cal­cu­la­tion in blocks of up to 40 hous­es, the archi­tec­tur­al and struc­tur­al design, the pro­cess­ing of licens­es and visas, the man­age­ment of the project and the con­struc­tion. From this peri­od, I would high­light the project of the Majada­hon­da Hydrother­a­py Cen­ter for its tech­ni­cal spe­cial­iza­tion and its dar­ing wood lam­i­nat­ed roof.
In 2011 I gave the tech­no­log­i­cal leap to BIM, soon reach­ing an advanced lev­el that allowed me to lead the dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion in bod’s office 2, to move to the main office in 2012, first car­ry­ing out the cre­ation of con­tent and then tak­ing charge of the bulk of the BIM man­age­ment and its devel­op­ment. At the same time, I main­tained the func­tions of project man­age­ment, includ­ing the use of BIM and the ear­ly use of point clouds at work site, as in the reha­bil­i­ta­tion of the “San­ta María del Estu­di­ante” stu­dents’ res­i­dence.
Since 2014 I have been the BIM Man­ag­er of Bouygues Bâti­ment Inter­na­tion­al in one of its inter­na­tion­al offices with the high­est turnover (900M USD in 2019) , in charge of tech­no­log­i­cal change and inno­va­tion in this field. Giv­ing train­ing and sup­port to more than 70 BIM dai­ly users at the head­quar­ters, 36 projects super­vised with BIM, of which 28 hotels, 1 cruise ter­mi­nal, 1 the air­port expan­sion and the rest oth­er uses. In total rep­re­sent 1.6 mil­lion square meters in vir­tu­al con­struc­tion, which is a con­tract bud­get of 4,100 mil­lion USD. Addi­tion­al­ly, I col­lab­o­rate at the inter­na­tion­al lev­el in the com­pa­ny with con­tri­bu­tions to the tech­no­log­i­cal devel­op­ment strat­e­gy, as well as par­tic­i­pat­ing in a con­fer­ence and the­mat­ic work­shops. In this stage I have also devel­oped advanced capa­bil­i­ties in the pro­gram­ming of Revit with Dynamo and Python, cre­at­ing 80 new tools that sig­nif­i­cant­ly stream­line the work process. I would high­light the series of tools for the auto­mat­ic cal­cu­la­tion of quan­ti­ties of fin­ish­es and mechan­i­cal cal­cu­la­tions and the auto­mat­ic cre­ation of 4D mod­els, among oth­ers.
For the future, my main inter­est is to inte­grate in the same role the man­age­ment of Design and BIM in a project and work that stands out for its uniqueness.


  • Aitor

    Hola Eduar­do.
    Me llamo Aitor Chavar­ri, soy arqui­tec­to y actual­mente estoy tra­ba­jan­do en Aus­tralia. Aqui es donde he empeza­do a uti­lizar Revit ya que es el pro­gra­ma que uti­lizan en el estudio.
    Inten­tan­do apren­der a usar Revit, lle­vo 3 meses, encon­tre tus videos en Youtube que me han sido de gran ayu­da, gracias.
    En Enero vuel­vo a Espana y me gus­taria realizar algun cur­so inten­si­vo y me pre­gunt­a­ba si cono­ces algun cur­so que merez­ca la pena.
    Muchas gracias.

    PD: per­don por las tildes!

    • Eduardo Blanco Castrejón

      Hola Aitor.
      Sien­to no poder darte mucha infor­ma­ción sobre lo que me pre­gun­tas. Creo que los cur­sos oscilan entre lo muy bási­co (unas 20 horas) y los muy exi­gentes, lar­gos y caros (160 horas en 5 meses). Nun­ca he encon­tra­do datos sobre cur­sos intensivos.
      Por lo que me cuen­tas, para cuan­do ven­gas a España tal vez ya no nece­si­tarás cur­sos si sigues prac­ti­can­do estos meses. Tra­ta de sacar par­tido de la expe­ri­en­cia aus­traliana, que nos sacan mucha ventaja.